Welcome to a new way to study Orthopedics!
This site parallels the Orthopedics Courses at Marymount University and should be used as a resource to enhance your learning of the great subject of orthopedics. This site however is different to straight-up read and regurgitate learning. This site offers you the chance to add to the knowledge base by submitting your own pages and ideas to enhance everyone's opportunity to improve their skills.

Traditionally faculty teach from text books and journal articles. Students are 'supposed' to write copious notes, rewrite them into words they can understand and then reproduce that information at a given moment - usually under the stress of an examination.
Morphopedics aims to change that traditional learning model into a much more fluid transition of learning with the flow moving from faculty to student, from student to student and from student to faculty.
Morphopedics offers everyone involved in this class to share their insights and the fruits of their research as we all move towards the goal of becoming more skillful practitioners.